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A Modern Czech Grammar

Title: A Modern Czech Grammar

Author: W.E Harkins
Format: Hardcover
List Price: $79.00
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Amazon USA Price: $66.50

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A Modern Czech Grammar

Recommended: Auralog TeLL me More Language Software, a superb and effective system for learning a foreign language. Proven method and highly praised system.

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Product Details
  • Hardcover: 338 pages
  • Publisher: Columbia University Press (October 15, 1952)
  • ISBN: 0231099371
  • Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 6.2 x 1.0 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds.
  • Average Customer Review: based on 2 reviews.

Customer Reviews
Avg. Customer Review:

2 of 3 people found the following review helpful:

Glorious., July 6, 2003
Reviewer: A reader
Fantastic resource! This book just tears through the basics in 30 chapters w/ ease. The only problem I can see is that the book hasn't been revised in some time. All the infinitives in the book end in "-ti" opposed to just "-t." But one can simply ignore the 'i" in the infinitive because the conjugations are the same.

10 of 10 people found the following review helpful:

Don't fear 1953. This is for the serious student., July 12, 2000

Reviewer: Stephen J. Ziegler (Brooklyn, New York USA)

The English speaking student of Czech has one distressing problem: grammar. Czech has seven cases that may call for variations in spelling of nouns depending on usage. Adjectives change to follow gender. Conjugation of verbs is critical as the verb form variations substitute for pronouns.

When it is no longer enough to be able to ask, "How far to the Charles Bridge," you must tackle the grammar. There is no better textbook. Students should take classes, if possible, as well. The use of the Harkins book by foreign language departments in American universities has probably been a fortunate stroke that kept it in print. It is priced like a college textbook. You would consider it a valuable addition to your library.

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