
吕氏英汉字典[简体]: [繁体]



"vague" Chinese translation ("vague" in Chinese, "vague" 中文翻译, "vague"发音):
vague adj. 含糊的,不清楚的,茫然的    [make a ~ answer 做含糊的答复 yield to ~ terrors 产生莫名的恐怖 the ~ outline of a church at dusk 黄昏时模糊的教堂轮廓 I haven't the vaguest idea what to do. 我完全不知道怎么办 Do you have the vaguest notion (of) what you are asking me for? 你一点也不知道你在向我提出什么要求吗? He was ~ on [about] many of the details. 在许多细节上他未交代清楚 <<词的变形>>:(vaguer; vaguest) ]

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