Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Reflecting the variety of modern Spanish literature, these stories range
from the sharp insights of Gabriel García Marquez's María dos Prazeres to
Isabel Allende's powerful evocation of the oral traditions of the Amerindian
Walimai, the deceptive simplicity of Javier Marías's On the Honeymoon, and
the philosophical speculation of Laura Freixas's Absurd Ending.
Language Notes
Text: Spanish, English (translation)
Original Language: Spanish
Product Details
- Paperback: 256 pages
- Publisher: Penguin (Non-Classics) (January 2, 2001)
- Language: Spanish, English
- ISBN-10: 0140265414
- ISBN-13: 978-0140265415
- Product Dimensions: 7.6 x 5 x 0.8 inches
- Shipping Weight: 8 ounces
- Average Customer Review:
customer reviews)
I will add that if you are looking for light reading this may not be for you.
This is "real" literature and requires some concentration. IMHO intermediates
will find the stories challenging to read in Spanish and beginners may give up
(although the English translations are worth reading as well). My favorite story
was Maria dos Prazeres.
When I look for parallel text books, it is important to me that each book does
an accurate job translating the original Spanish into its exact English
equivalent. These books are training aids, and as such, I feel they need to
uphold that accuracy as best as possible.
However, this book takes some liberties. The authors will take Spanish phrases
and words, and mold them into English phrases and words that are chosen by their
own taste in vocabulary. For the student who is learning one language or the
other, it would seem very helpful if authors did not dance around a translation
to make it sound good in English. I would much prefer a literal translation so
that I can study the structure of each sentence, and note how the words are
being used in context. When I read the word "tiempo precioso," I expect to see
"precious time" in English, not "valuable time," or some other synonym. The
latter phrase is not only used regularly in English, but it is a direct
translation. This, of course, is an utmost basic example.
Once you highlight the loose interpretations in the book, you can continue
studying the rest of the language. The stories are diverse and interesting
enough to want to continue reading. I agree with other reviewers in that they
are a bit dark in nature, but entertaining nonetheless.
I love, love, love the Allende story, but generally found the stories selected
for this book dark and depressing. No matter, I'm sure that many won't agree
with me. I just want to note that the vocabulary and sentence structure can be
pretty challenging (I'm about intermediate), so this might not be suitable for
beginners, but might be just what someone who is more advanced is looking for.
I know, these are supposed to be great literary works. Sorry, not very
This book begins with easy stories, mostly in present tense. It progresses to
more difficult stories. The stories are by Latino authors, so you have the
additional bonus of Latino culture with the stories. The back of the book gives
brief information about the authors. It includes exercises, some to be answered
orally and others written, and a Spanish glossary. It's a good tool to have in
your "bag of tricks" for learning and improving your Spanish.
Not quite as simple as I'd anticipated before purchase. If you are a beginner
this would be a good book to help practise pronounciation - if you have someone
around to correct you. As an intermediate learner this book is quite challenging
especially since you translate the Spanish 'literally' and the English version
is a proper translation, so after that initial shock it's quite good reading.
However, you also have to get over the idiomatic expressions. The stories are
quite good otherwise and make a great read in English if the Spanish is too
¡Éste es un encantador leído! Presenta español en un ambiente contextually rico.
This is a delightful read! Presents spanish in a contextually rich environment.
Definitely not a beginners book. Probably comes in at the intermediate level &
above. Assumes you know the complete verb system...the stories throw pretty much
everything at you in terms of sentence construction. The more advanced you are,
the less you need to depend on the English translation and just read the stories
in Spanish, which even by themselves are treasures (I. Allende, G. Garcia
Marquez, C. Fuentes among the estimable authors included).
The translations are a joy to read, because you notice right away that there's
not this word-for-word transliteration that you get with many attempts at
parallel texts. The translators (each credited in their own right) really try to
bring across in English the feeling and emotion that the writer intended when
they penned the original Spanish. It's eye-opening. On top of that, the book's
editor John R. King has added about 20 - 30 or so footnotes per story that
really take your understanding to a new level. A great example: in the first
story, he adds a footnote to denote when the two characters in the story slip
from using formal verb construction into informal. It would have slid right by
me, had it not been for the footnote. And it does mark a definite change in the
direction of the story.
Really good stuff.
Short Stories in Spanish improves ones language skills through enjoyable stories
and excellent linguistic explanations. These stories come from many different
spanish speaking countries, which allows the student to be exposed to different
style and slang. Not only are the stories translated correctly, but certain
words, names, and phases are explained in depth relating to culture or history.
Furthermore, the difficulty of this book is from advanced beginner to expert.