Product Description
This Spanish-language book is one in a set of two entertaining Vive y
Aprende (Live and Learn) books, for very young children whose first
language is Spanish. From a child’s point of view, life can often seem
difficult—but this brightly illustrated book. encourages children never to
be afraid of a challenge. It’s all right to be a little scared about things
that seem hard to do, but whatever the challenge, determination and practice
can get them through. Boys and girls will empathize with the little girl in
this book. She has to go to school, do homework, and eat vegetables that she
doesn’t like. It seems to her that grownups are lucky, because they can do
as they please. This story demonstrates that everybody has obligations to
meet—especially grownups—and most of the time, it’s more fun to be a kid.
The text is simple and the illustrations on every page are appealing. Four
pages presenting activities for children appear at the back of each book,
followed by a two-page section for parents, with tips on explaining the
subject in more detail.
From the Inside Flap
(back cover)
A veces es difcil ser ni±o. Hay tantas cosas que debemos hacer, incluso
cuando no tenemos ganas. Hay reglas que obedecer, y hay gente mayor
dici©ndonos qu© podemos hacer y qu© no debemos hacer.
A veces parece que ser ni±o es mucho m¡s difcil que ser un adulto. Pero
cuando nos detenemos y pensamos un poquito, empezamos a ver que ser ni±o no
es tan malo y que para crecer siempre hay tiempo.
Adem¡s, ¡ser ni±os puede ser muy divertido! Podemos subir a los ¡rboles con
nuestros amigos y pasarlo muy bien en la playa. Y lo mejor de todo de ser
ni±o es que podemos hacer tonteras que los adultos no pueden hacer.