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Sal y Pimienta Set By Susy Dorn (Complete Learning Package - Kids Spanish Immersion Materials)

Sal y Pimienta Set By Susy Dorn (Complete Learning Package - Kids Spanish Immersion Materials)
Author/Publisher: Susy Dorn
Emphasis: spanish for kids
List Price: $0

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The extraordinary power of the combination of melody, words and illustrations as a learning tool, get together in this captivating immersion materials that will have children and grown ups singing in Spanish in no time. Children will learn about: 1. Sal y Pimienta (Salt and Pepper - food dishes) 2. ¿Qué Comen los Animales? (What do Animals Eat?) 3. Las Emociones (The Emotions) 4. Rimas 1 - Animales Tocan Instrumentos (Rhymes 1 - Animals Play Instruments) 5. El Reloj (The Clock) 6. Los Animales del Mar (Sea Animals) 7. Buenos Hábitos (Good Habits) 8. Rimas 2 - Animales Miran Objetos (Rhymes 2-The Animals Look at Objects) 9. La Casa Loca (The Crazy House - household items) 10. Los Vegetales (The Vegetables) 11. Mi Amiga Pancha (My Friend Pancha-animals with spots) 12. Cuatro Palabras Mágicas (The Four Magic Words) 13. Pelotas (Balls) 14. La Naturaleza (Nature) 15. Los Sonidos de los Animales (Animal Sounds) 16. La Mano y los Dedos (The Hand and the Fingers) 17. Los Utiles Escolares (School Supplies) 18. Los Insectos (The Insects) 19. El Espacio (Space) 20. Cantemos en Español (Lets Sing in Spanish)  EDUCATIONAL DVDs: With puppets, colorful animation, and upbeat songs, teacher Susy immerses children in Spanish while they learn lyrics and concepts through music and fun.  CDs: Enjoyable, easy and engaging songs that will motivate your child to sign in Spanish.  SING-ALONG BOOKS: Beautiful illustrations, lyrics in Spanish, translations in English. Just as her work helps other kids whose mother tongue is not Spanish, children that were born in Spanish speaking countries can also benefit from it and learn the ABC, the numbers, the colors, geometrical figures and the opposites among other indispensable words in their daily lives. September, 2006  El Nuevo Dia  Puerto Rico

Product Details

  • Paperback
  • ASIN: B000JV1N74


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