Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Joe Harbin no había matado a un hombre por una fortuna en oro para pudrirse
en la cárcel y dejar que Rodelo se la arrebatara. Pero cuando él y sus
hombres se fugan y van en busca del botín, acaban acompañados por un par de
rivales: Rodelo y una bella mujer de pasado oculto. Para transportar
cincuenta mil dólares en oro a través de cincuenta millas de desierto, la
desesperada cuadrilla pronto descubre que se necesitan mutuamente —y lo
profundo que corre su avaricia y recelo. Al final del viaje están las aguas
de Baja y una nueva vida en México, pero antes tienen que sobrevivir al
calor salvaje, a los indios yaquis que buscan la recompensa y al carácter
cambiante y traidor de la arena del desierto y de sus propias y
contradictorias lealtades.
From the Publisher
Harbin was the gunslinger. All he wanted was the gold. Badger was just a
little weasel, waiting to see where the chips fell before he made his move.
Nora was an orphan search for news of her lost parents. But Kid Rodelo? He
was the man of mystery. Who was he? What did he want? Ahead of them was
fifty miles of desert hell.Behind them was a band of savage, bounty-hunting
Yaquis. Only Rodelo could save his companions. But would he? --This text
refers to the Paperback edition.
Product Details
- Mass Market Paperback: 160 pages
- Publisher: Bantam (February 27, 2007)
- Language: Spanish
- ISBN-10: 0553588818
- ISBN-13: 978-0553588811
- Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 4.1 x 0.7 inches
- Shipping Weight: 2.4 ounces
- Average Customer Review:
customer reviews)
Kid Rodelo and Catlow were both received promptly, however, are in Spanish.
Being I do not speak Spanish, they are being returned.
Louis L'Amour's Kid Rodelo is one of the most amateurish, poorly written books
I've ever read. It fails BIG TIME on every level -- weak plot, no character
development, child-like dialogue and - oh, yeah-- it is totally predictable.
It's been a long time since I've read a book by Louis L'Amour and the next time
I'll be reading a book by him will be when hell freezes over! Please -- do not
be swayed by the two reviewers that gave Kid Rodelo a 5-star rating. Do yourself
a favor and avoid reading this book at all costs. I'm now going to take my copy
and put it in the section of my house where I put books of this poor quality --
i.e., the trash.
If you are in the mood for a good old-fashioned western, I'd recommend that you
try Appaloosa and Gunman's Rhapsody by Robert B. Parker
I couldn't read it because it was in Spanish and you wouldn't relpace it.
This western has as its setting Arizona and Sonora, with Yuma prison as its
starting point, moving along the Arizona/Mexico border along the Camino de
Diablo into the Pinacate Peaks around Tinaja Alta and Tule Tanks, with Papago
Wells as a water stop off. The final leg of the journey is south to the Gulf of
California, hoping to board a boat in Adair Bay, thence onto freedom over the
I've read this 1966 western of escape and gold hunting in the Sonoran Desert
from Louis L'Amour several times, saving it generally for the hottest days of
the year; at present the temperature on the porch is 92 degrees. The mean
temperature in this novel can reach 110 degrees higher up, and 150 degrees down
on the desert sand floor. Reading it under this type of environment helps to
really feel what these people are going through. I always read Heller With A Gun
in the winter, same principle.
Page 53 of the hardcover gives a good thumbnail of this western novel: " ...
Four men and a woman (Nora Paxton), ringed with death, a death that might come
from the Yaquis Indians in pursuit, but could just as likely come from the
desert itself." Three of these four men are escaped convicts out of Yuma
Territorial Prison in Arizona Territory: one is a slick, homicidal gunslinger,
another a little weasel called Gopher, and finally Badger, while a more
sensitive man, still a hardened man of all times and places who is capable of
Kid Rodelo has served his time out in Yuma Prison, and is roaming the desert
with these three and the girl, all of whom are hunting $50,000 in gold that the
gunslinger killed for and stole prior to being locked up in Yuma. On their trail
are the very successful Yaquis Indians led by Hat, bounty hunters all, that are
sent out from Yuma Prison to bring back those that are foolish enough to escape.
For this they receive $50.00 per body; and they always bring them back dead, so
as not to have to share water with them on the way back.
Several mysteries exist in this western: Who is Kid Rodelo? What did he want?
And why is he doing what he is doing? But one thing for certain, only Dan Rodelo
who knows this desert can save all these people wandering the desert. But as the
Bantam paperback asked years ago, "But would he?"
Semper Fi.
The thing about this story is the surprise ending and L'amour does all he can to
deceive the reader till the end. But again this deception is what makes the
story - the chase - so gripping.
And as usual L'amour with his pechant for describing locales, brings to life the
desert and its creatures. The characterizations are pretty memorable too!