Product Details
- Reading level: Ages 4-8
- Misc. Supplies: 50 pages
- Publisher: Usborne Books (October 2003)
- Language: Spanish
- ISBN-10: 0794505228
- ISBN-13: 978-0794505226
- Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 3.1 x 1.1 inches
- Shipping Weight: 1.6 ounces
- Average Customer Review:
customer reviews)
As a Spanish teacher, I recognize that presenting a second language in various
forms and through many activities is a must! These flashcards are colorful and
extremely helpful. Add them to your Spanish curriculum, and you'll be pleased
with how much your child retains! A great way to do many things: introduce,
practice, reinforce, and even reward second language acquisition.
The only problem I see with this set is that the Spanish is listed on both sides
- so if your child is able to read, you'll have trouble "quizzing" him. This set
is best for younger children that don't read yet. I also wish they had a
phonetic pronunciation guide for the non-Spanish speaking parents.
Review addition: A new set of flash cards is on the market: Flip Flop Spanish
Flash Cards: Verde (Cards). These DO have phonetic pronunciation on each card, a
tremendous help for confidence building.
Sra. Gose
Author of Flip Flop Spanish: Ages 3-5: Level 1 & Flip Flop Spanish: Ages 3-5:
Level 2
I have the same product in German. I use it with my 16 month old toddler, who
grows up to be bi-lingual. He loves the illustrations, and so do I (illustrated
by Stephen Cartwright). There's a donkey, a chicken, ... all kinds of farm
animals, an umbrella, a bike, a banana, a carrot, a trailer, a shed, a house, a
bucket, a feather, a door, a car, boots, and much more (50 cards). What I like
is that many of the objects are objects my toddler recognizes from baby
books/concept books. The material, however, is more appropriate for a child of
the recommended age group: My toddler can easily bend and tear the cards. Each
card has a large picture with the name of the object (including its definite
article) on one page, plus a small print English translation. This can easily be
covered up with two fingers when showing the picture. On the back are noun and
article only, large print on white background. The box suggests, "you can use
the cards to play games, or just prop them up around the house or classroom as a
reminder." It would have been nice if the publisher had included some game
ideas, I didn't have any in my box of flashcards. Quite obviously you can quiz
your language skills by looking at the name and then turning the card to see the
picture (and the translation). The illustrations are adorable and go well with
the blue, green, orange, yellow, purple backgrounds. Since the Spanish cards
seem to be exactly the same version as my German cards,I'm hoping this
description fits.