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125 Brain Games For Babies Spanish

125 Brain Games For Babies Spanish
Author/Publisher: BIGTOFFICE
Emphasis: spanish for kids
List Price: $20.48

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Editorial Reviews

"…The easy activities in this book provide daily opportunities to build babies brain capacity." -- The Freer Press

Product Description
Create the brain connections needed for future learning, all while having fun! "125 Brain Games for Babies" is packed with everyday games, songs, and other opportunities to contribute to the brain development of children from birth through 12 months. 125 illustrations.


Product Details

  • Paperback: 160 pages
  • Publisher: Gryphon House (May 15, 1999)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0876591993
  • ISBN-13: 978-0876591994
  • Product Dimensions: 9 x 6 x 0.4 inches
  • Shipping Weight: 14.4 ounces
  • Average Customer Review:

    2.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (8 customer reviews)

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars - Don't buy 120 things you do naturally & 5 minor things you don't
What a waste of trees to make this book. 120 things you do naturally & 5 minor, unimportant things you don't. DON'T BELIEVE THE REVIEWS WITH MORE THAN ONE STAR. ALL THE POSITIVE REVIEWS WRITTEN BEFORE MINE except one have only reviewed books by this author, all that they give high grades for, most likely FRIENDS OF THE AUTHOR. If there are other reviews by them check the date, it will be after my posting. I checked their reviews because I couldn't believe anyone would give this book 5 stars. Some "games" listed are and I am quoting "Let's Watch" this is where the baby just watches whatever is happening around her. "Diaper Song" sing to your baby as you change its diaper, the pages brain research section states "singing to babies facilitates genuine bonding between adult and child". There are about a dozen different games of peek-a-boo offered. You can play it with a loud voice or try singing peek-a-boo. For a real change of pace you can put a puppet on your hand to hide for peek-a-boo or any number of ways you already play peek-a-boo. Only buy this book if you're looking for clutter for your bookcase.


Rating: 5 out of 5 stars - Useful book of neat baby games
I have 125 Brain Games for Babies and love it. It has many little games that I knew but had forgotten about; but it has many more that I never would have come up with. It does a good job of simply explaining the specifics of brain development and itıs importance in the first months of a childıs life. This is a good, handy basic book for a new parent.


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars - Easy, structured play with your baby
I thought this book was a nice way to do simple activities that stimulated various senses with my baby. I also worked part-time and I gave it to my nanny when I was away to give her ideas of things to do, which she really enjoyed. I liked the specific reasearch linked with each activity to help me understand why a particular activity was helpful. While some of the activities were things I was doing, many were new and I just liked having an easy reference to grab when I wanted to do something I might not have thought about. I also think it's a nice gift for a new Mom.


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars - Great for first time parents
This is a nice little book for first time parents who aren't always so sure how to 'intelligently' entertain the new little person in their lives. Everybody wants their child to become the smartest and best they can be but find it sometimes difficult to figure out how exactly to promote that in the first few months. This book gives some nice and simple ideas that anyone can follow to hopefully get a few extra smiles out of their babies.


Rating: 3 out of 5 stars - Overpriced, but pretty good
Considering the content of this book, it is really not worth the fifteen dollars listed on the cover. It consists of games and activities that are basically traditional; the sorts of things that most mothers do with their babies. Five to ten dollars at most would have been a much more reasonable price.

However, it is not a bad book at all. Contrary to what the previous reviewers said, parents will not automatically know all of these games. Granted, I would definitely have done some of the things mentioned in the book with my child anyway (for example, holding the baby and making faces), but many of the other games may expand the parent's "bag of tricks" or inspire new ideas in them, and there's nothing wrong with that!

The best thing about the book is that it emphasizes the importance of human affection and interaction in promoting brain development, rather than expensive toys or gadgets. So go ahead and purchase it if you find it on sale, or take it out of the library. Just getting a few good games or tips will make it worth your time.

Rating: 1 out of 5 stars - A Useless Book
The activities introduced in this book are common sense only. Don't waste money to buy this book.


Rating: 1 out of 5 stars - It's Simply Common Sense
I will be returning this book. It has nothing in here that I already don't do with my son. Singing, peek-a-boo, looking in mirrors should all be activities that every parent knows how to do with their child. The book only demonstrates these common activities which stimulate a child growth. And doesn't everyone know how to play peek-a-boo with a baby? Do you really need a book for that?


Rating: 4 out of 5 stars - 125 Brain Games for Baby
This is a great book. It has many easy educational activities for newborns. I haven't found any other book of this type that is for the 0 to 6 month crowd.


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