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Latin Ultimate Course (7th -12th Grade, Adult)

Title: Latin Ultimate Course (7th -12th Grade, Adult)

Author: PowerGuide
Format: Software
List Price: $169.95
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Sale Price: $169.95

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Latin Ultimate Course (7th -12th Grade, Adult)

Recommended: Auralog TeLL me More Language Software, a superb and effective system for learning a foreign language. Proven method and highly praised system.

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Product Details
  • Format: Software
  • 7th -12th Grad, Adult
  • Publisher: Power-Guide
  • Official Site

Customer Feedback

"Just when you think you have seen everything there is to see in foreign language instruction, Power-Glide surprises you! This is the company that created the innovative languge program which immerses the student in an adventure while learning a new language. Their tape and workbook courses are fabulousˇ­. Power-Glide is the true innovator in language instruction."

- Christine F.

"Speaking and thinking spontaneously in a foreign language is challenging, but is an important goal that is hard to achieve with traditional programs. In Power-Glide courses, emphasis is not on mechanics and rote learning. This course aims to teach children in a manner that simulates natural language acquisition."
Stepanie Heese, reviewer, The Review Corner

"Thirty years ago, in Guatemala, I used Dr. Blair's materials and they were the best I had ever seen. Now that I could test the materials with more than 40 students in various classes, I am even more convinced that they are the best language teaching materials in existence today."
Herbert Horne, linguist, former teacher for Wycliffe Bible Translators, and current homeschool co-op administrator.

"Most curriculum developers seem to have forgotten what it was like to sit endlessly in a classroom listening and pretending to be interested in boring subject material, but not Dr. Blair."
Susan Moore, reviewer, Editor's Choice

"As one who designs educational programs for individual students in our school, I must tell you how impressed I have been with the Power-Glide material. I was able to examine the second year course material for our community college. Your course is more comprehensive!"
Linda Rittner, Director, Pleasant Hill Academy

"Miles beyond the traditional text in creativity and interest level."
Cathy Duffy, Author, Christian Home Educators' Curriculum Manual

"Power-Glide delivers what it promises. With this course you won't be intimidated to teach a foreign language. Every successful lesson learned will motivate you to move on to the next one."
Kathy von Duyke, Editor, KONOS Helps!

"Unlike other higher-priced courses, the approach does not contain repetitive drills, is not strictly hearsay, and does not promise subliminal learning. It is fast-paced and takes full concentration. The use of the full-sized textbook included with the tapes makes it a more comprehensive course than others with twice the number of tapes."
Anne Brodbeck, reviewer for Mary Pride's, Practical Homeschooling

"I really love the way that a concept is presented, used in various examples and then left for the student to take the next leap and apply key information in different ways. You can actually watch the light bulb flash brightly above your child's head! She gets it!"
Nancy Lande, Author, Homeschooling: A Patchwork of Days

"I've been chipping away at Spanish for 20+ years and have purchased umpteen zillion programs. I was immediately impressed by how much conversational fluency I felt I gained in the two short hours of my flight home."
Cafi Cohen, Author, And What about College?
How Homeschooling Leads to Admissions to the Best Colleges and Universities

Where to buy

Buy if from Power-Guide

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