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World Talk - Learn Finnish: Intermediate Level

Title: World Talk - Learn Finnish: Intermediate Level

Author: EuroTalk
Format: Software
List Price: $29.99
Where To Buy

Amazon USA Price: $19.99

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World Talk - Learn Finnish: Intermediate Level

Recommended: Auralog TeLL me More Language Software, a superb and effective system for learning a foreign language. Proven method and highly praised system.

Where To Buy This Item

Platform:   Mac OS, Windows
Media: CD-ROM


  • Intermediate language instruction program
  • Topics include the calendar, asking directions, the weather and numbers
  • Activities include dictation, recording, and worksheets
  • TV Quiz features interactive game-style instruction
  • Bold, clear graphics and sounds

Shipping: Currently, item can be shipped only within the U.S.
ASIN: B0000899SA
Average Customer Review: 5 out of 5 stars Based on 1 review.

Product Description
From the Manufacturer
World Talk is the perfect follow-on to our popular "Talk Now!" range. As well as new activities, we've added dictation, worksheets and a brand new recording section.

Topics covered include: the calendar, sentence building, asking directions, the weather and numbers.

The interactive TV Quiz is a definite hit, where our resident champion may turn out to be more intelligent than he looks! You can also compete in a one-to-one match with a friend!

All Customer Reviews
Average Customer Review: 5 out of 5 stars

6 of 6 people found the following review helpful:

5 out of 5 stars Works great!!, March 19, 2003

Reviewer: A software user

This is the first time I have ever been so excited about learning a language. I've tried using just about every other method to learn Finnish (except actually going and living in Finland.) I tried out this program for the first time today and it measures up. The plusses of the program is that you can get English instructions easily if you need them (a safety net) but otherwise the program immerses you into the language. The program feels like you are playing a game but the stinky trick is you are actually learning at the same time (awesome!). The only minus is that I have yet to find a quit button on the World Talk Finnish program (but I tend not to be overly observant or patient) and the Talk Now program had better graphics. Mind you my experience with the Talk Now program is more extensive, but the World Talk program definitely reaches par. Using this program is the best way to learn especially if you have difficulty learning languages using books and tapes and don't have the luxury in enrolling in a Finnish language course.

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